Memeglish. Privacy Policy

  1. The term "personal information" used below is described as any piece of information that identifies or can be used to identify, communicate or search for the person to whom such information relates. Personal information will be subject to this privacy policy.
  2. We do not collect your email address, phone number, or any other personal information.
  3. We do not require registration.
  4. We do not send newsletters.
  5. We use Firebase Analytics for collecting anonymous information about user behavior in order to improve user experience and develop new features. The analytics data collected does not contain any personal information identifying the user. We use the IP anonymization feature which sets the last octet of IPv4 user IP addresses and the last 80 bits of IPv6 addresses to zeros.

Required permissions

  1. Memeglish does not require any special permissions neither on Android nor on iOS.


  1. e-mail: